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Check out these clawsome mugs!
Delivered in a keepsafe box or purchase in the visitors centre shop.
Word from the designer Breanna Mollan
"I have collaborated with @whitbylobsterhatchery & @marinediscoverywhitby to create this super cute and CLAWSOME mug!
If you’ve never visited before, this is a lovely little aquarium based in Whitby. They do so much for the local marine wildlife and more specifically, lobsters!!! I never knew there was so much to learn about this species but they actually are pretty cool!
This was my first time creating art to be sold, so it feels very surreal to see this on a shelf! If you would like one of these mugs please visit the Discovery Centre gift shop 💙
Thank you to both Joes for helping me with this!"
All proceed go directly to our charity.
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Contact Details
Whitby Lobster Hatchery,
Pier Road,
North Yorkshire,
YO21 3PU,
United Kingdom
© 2025 by Whitby Lobster Hatchery. All Rights Reserved. Registered Charity 1193944
Designed by Fitzpatrick Design / Developed by Askew Brook